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self-discovery as path to leadership

What sparks the journey to becoming a leader in sustainability?  Laura Fariello, Head of Circularity and Sustainable Solutions at Wien Energie, Austria’s largest energy supplier, shares the spark that ignited her journey into sustainability. From a bold move to New York that broadened her horizons to a pivotal moment in China where she realized her passion for tackling climate change, Laura reflects on the key moments that led her to become a leader in driving sustainable solutions.

Growth is painful, but you only grow out of your comfort zone

What are the key moments that significantly influenced your path and made you the leader you are today?

First, my decision to postpone my studies and jump into the cold water of moving to New York for a year without knowing anybody. Retrospectively, it turned out to be a total game-changer. Living and working in such a vibrant city with its strong dynamic and cultural richness for the first time sparked my curiosity and launched my international journey towards how I see the world and lead today.

Later on, while living and working in Beijing in a business role for a multinational company for a couple of years and planning for my MBA studies, I started questioning my “status quo” and looking for my purpose. Climate change was already very tangible in China compared to Europe which made me think where my “sweet spot” could be in creating a sustainable and equitable future. This ended in taking a career break to study environmental science and technology as an Al Gore Fellow at Harvard University, joined by my now husband, and starting a family just there on campus :-) Yes, I spent my maternity leave being a Harvard Master's student…

Reflecting on my journey so far, through these key moments… I was lucky to live and work in more than 20 countries to date and speak five languages fluently. This has provided me with a broad global perspective on my leadership journey. At the same time, they have instilled in me a deep feeling of responsibility to find answers to the world’s most imminent problems like decarbonization through commercially viable and profitable solutions. It has also encouraged me to advocate for diversity beyond the gender agenda.

Looking back, can you identify a key turning point or "spark" moment that launched your leadership journey?

My leadership journey was sparked while being a Master's student at Harvard University attending a leadership lesson aimed to define my authentic leadership self, my so-called “true north” by….

First, exploring and defining my individual value-based foundation for sustained leadership. By reflecting on questions like: What are my principles as a leader? What are my core values that I consider non-negotiable? Having established such a value-based foundation provided me direction to better navigate situations of challenge and resistance, which are now inherent to my vision of green transformation.

Secondly, by developing a better understanding of myself and my inner purpose. Finding answers to questions like: Why am I doing the work I do? Why am I pushing for a sustainable tomorrow? gave me a chance to self-reflect in a deeper way than I would ordinarily do. Being fully clear of and in sync with my purpose aligned my heart and mind and enabled me to drive and lead even more effectively today.

You are currently leading in an area of unexplored territory. What is your approach to leadership?

As a leader, I am focused on transforming companies. In my current role, I evolve them into sustainable purpose-driven organizations through the implementation of green technology and the built-up of a circular business portfolio.

To make this transformation happen, I lead a highly diverse cross-functional team. We aim to apply emerging climate technologies in a real-world setting. It is a day-to-day pioneering work. To manage the breadth of complexity, I intentionally leverage multiple perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences and encourage team members strongly to step out of their comfort zones. My team will hear me a lot saying “Growth is painful, but you only grow out of your comfort zone”

Navigating this unexplored territory, we have faced continuous challenges. However, we have learned from these setbacks and have grown stronger as a team. Our team efforts and dedication have paid out, strengthening our journey towards a circular and net zero world.

My learning is that we progressed most when we leveraged collaboration and inclusiveness, shed the fear of risk and failure, and adopted a purpose-oriented mindset.

Are there any specific people or experiences that significantly influenced your leadership style?

The person who has influenced me most in my leadership style was my late mother. Through her, I could witness the power and dignity of living a life of quiet leadership and achievement. Her actions showed me that leadership is not a title or a position but a mindset and an ongoing practice (“you are what you practice”) something I profoundly admired. I am striving to live to her legacy in how I treat others, how I inspire them, and how I create a culture of trust and collaboration.

Believe it or not, I also think that my childhood adoration for Pippi Longstocking had a certain influence. She is courageous, determined, unconventional and just goes for it…all traits I can strongly identify with in terms of leadership style. “I’ve never done it like that before, it must work” is one of her favorite sayings that I follow in my understanding of leadership. The curious thing about it is that if it works, nobody will question that you have never done it before.

Thinking about some of the great thought leaders who have influenced me the most on my leadership journey is probably Simon Sinek.

His quote “The value of a true leader is not measured by the work they do, but by the work they inspire others to do” resonates a lot with me. Simon Sinek takes a very inspirational approach to vision-driven leadership. He asks us to look at our “why” to determine our purpose - Why do you want to lead? He is an amazing storyteller who appeals to emotions and aspirations.

As a leader, I feel strongly that our role is to empower and motivate others to be the best versions of themselves while challenging traditional paradigms and igniting a new understanding of what it means to lead effectively by placing purpose and values at the forefront. This is what I try to put into practice every day. You are what you practice, right?

If you could travel back in time, what advice would you give to your younger self at the start of your leadership journey?

1. Focus on your talents!

Being a great leader really comes down to knowing who you are at your inner core, being your most authentic, honest self. Learn your abilities and limitations and make choices that play to your strengths. Stop apologizing for the fire inside you. Instead use it to light the way.

2. Know Your Purpose!

Being an effective leader is about knowing your “why” and owning it! Take the time to learn what energizes you. From this passion, find your purpose for leading. Avoid shortcuts that offer success at the expense of your personal philosophy. Be consistent with your values.

3. Embrace risk, always. Be courageous!

It seems comfortable to stay within your comfort zone, but you will never achieve anything exceptional without taking risks. New technologies, ideas, and new businesses all require risk. Shake things up. Open yourself up to serendipities. Break your own rules, on a regular basis.

4. Make sure you are not the smartest person in the room!

If you are the smartest person in the room you are limited to your perspectives. Leading a team who are experts in their own domain will bring you multiple insights, opinions, and perspectives to come up with the most appropriate solution to any challenge.

5. Don’t be afraid of failure!

Our best life lessons come from our mistakes and failures. So, if you fall, make sure you learn. Move on. Try again and keep going! Redirection is an upgrade. Be fearless. See opportunities and take the chance.

How is your approach to mentoring and developing future leaders?

I think it is important to develop a new generation of diverse leaders, where no one is left behind in the pursuit of a sustainable and resilient future.

I owe part of my success to people giving me opportunities, advice and direction along the way. Throughout my life I developed a deep feeling of responsibility towards women, people with migration and socially underprivileged backgrounds as well as those belonging to marginalized groups. I aim to be the person I so desperately needed when I was younger. I am passionate about mentoring these people, giving them access to opportunities and empowering them to make their dreams come true – and who will again pay it forward to others one day, too.

What is the most underrated leadership habit ?

Definitely reading! Ever since I was a little girl, I always loved reading books and I thought what a wonderful thing it would be if I could read books all day.

People around me know that I am still a very avid and serious reader. It is part of who I am. And it also enabled me to become the leader I am. My reading list is diverse. I read from east to west, from fiction to non-fiction, from neuroscience to philosophy.

Reading is a simple yet powerful way to develop my leadership skills. I am convinced that there is nothing more stimulating for the mind than responding to knowledge that comes outside of our field. Reading across disciplines, across cultures, across genres sparks new thoughts as well as perspective and makes fresh connections which inspires my day to day work and leadership.

I strongly encourage reading in my team, just recently starting a little book exchange club hopefully to commonly broaden our minds and spark debate and discussion.

about Laura Fariello

Laura Fariello is Head of Circularity and Sustainable Solutions at Wien Energie, a major utilities company in Austria. Her mission is to re-invent and reshape a conventional energy company into a sustainable utility player through the development and implementation of green tech solutions.

Laura has lived and worked in more than 20 countries, speaks 5 languages fluently, and spent her maternity leave as a Harvard Master's student. Her curiosity and dedication set the example of an outstanding leader. 

about Wien Energie

Two million people, 230,000 trade and industrial customers as well as 4,500 agricultural businesses rely on Wien Energie – Austria’s largest energy provider. 

Wien Energie offers its customers reliable as well as innovative services. Their services include environmentally friendly power, cooling, heating, electromobility, and telecommunications.


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