Acceleration / Incubation / Innovation, Community Building / Management, Sustainability & CSR
English, Persian
Micro business (<10 employees)
unavailable for this batch
"Empowering through strength, inspiring through compassion"
Shohreh can support with:
Shohreh's work experience:
I am founder and owner of three companies:
Lumesmart Inc. (LED Lighting Soltions)
EarthDay Confrence (Yearly Confrence to raise awarness about the importnace of Climate Change)
Global Cleantech Directory (An innovative platfrom to connect cleantech industry globally)
I started my fisrt business, an IT private shcool in Tehran before moving to Canada when I was 24 years old so I can mentor from young genration to middle age and older age. I also can support newcommers, single moms, single parents as I have all these experiences in my career!
In addition I can support diversity, male dominated industries for women.
I was mentor with the StartUp Canada.
Right now I am:
Coach in CAF-FCA's National Mentor Development Program
Mentor at Ted Rogers School of Management | Diversity Institute at Toronto Metropolitan University
Business Advisor Specialist at En-riched Life Company Ltd.
Mentor at City of Richmond Hill
I am planing for celebrating the 10 years of success for EarthDay confrence
Educational background:
Computer engineering in software Diploma
Executive Management Certificate
Educational Management Cerificate
Selfemployee Certficate
Project Management Certificate
Leadership in Managemnt Certifcate
Women in Manufacturing Leadership Training
First Step Exporting Certificate
Audiance Driven Marketing Certificate
Trade Accelerator Certificate
First/ early employment:
I started my career as a marketing/sales coordinator in a company that was selling computer, I also teaching computer part time, and I stareted my entrprnesrship by selling clothes and cosmetics from Turkey when I was 20 years old in Iran
What I like the most about my current job:
Innovative, supportive for the future, match my vision
Shohreh is open for:
build a network for a lifetime.
Check out our FAQ below or drop us a line, we're answering all your questions.
Does the mentoring program cost anything?Nope - but you do have to be an inner circle member at the female factor. The membership starts at 1 € a day. For more info visit our membership page.
Can I apply for more than one mentor?Yes, you can apply for up to three mentors. Please note, every mentor requires a personalized motivation letter.
I'm having trouble deciding who to apply for, how do you pick a good mentor?That all depends on your career goals for the upcoming months- so ask yourself where do you want to be in half a year or year from now. Do you want to expand your company in a certain field? Start your own company? Or side business? Do you want to gain a particular skill set? Or maybe you want to move up within your corporation? Choosing a good mentor FOR YOU depends on a lot of things. But we’ve seen that a good mentor mentee relationship and successful outcomes mainly depends on good chemistry aka. you two get along and that the person can give you relevant advice and know-how that will help to excel in YOUR personal career. So ask yourself: “Will I vibe well with this person?” “How is their career and experience relevant to mine?” “How will it help me get to where I want to be in a certain period of time?” "How could my mentor actually benefit from my knowhow and skillset?"
How long is the mentoring program?The official mentoring period is for half a year. The current mentoring batch is running until December 2024. The fall batch will run from November 22, 2024 through to May 2025. The spring batch will open applications in 2025. Pre-register to be the first to know when applications open. However, some of the mentors will still be happy to support you after that period or even become friends.
Can I apply for a mentor who lives in another city?Absolutely. We encourage you to apply for mentors in other cities as well, especially if you have a certain goal, eg. expanding or establishing a business there or looking for a job in another country or if you're eager to get to know another culture.
How can I become a mentor myself?If you feel you would be a good fit, you can reach out to us here.