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Author and Podcaster

Bernie Morgan

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Amazing Women Invisible Lives
Amazing Women Invisible Lives


Acceleration / Incubation / Innovation

United Kingdom




One-woman business




"Start at the end.
In other words, define what you want to achieve in whatever role you have/want. Work out how to get there. Then go for it!"

altruism collaboration sustainability
Bernie can support with:
Agile development / project management
Bernie's work experience:
Acceleration / Incubation / Innovation Manager (Co-)Founder C-level executive Consultant Coach / Trainer Advisor Owner Board member Researcher Working parent Employee One-woman business Micro business (<10 employees) Small business (10-50 employees) Medium-sized business (<250 employees) Startup Public institution NPO / NGO United Kingdom

Bernie built a career after being a stay at home mother to three children for 14 years. She got herself a Master Degree (without getting a first degree) and seven years after being in full time work, she became CEO of an organisation with an international profile. Through the role she lead the development of the responsible finance industry in the UK, taking its worth to half a billion pounds in eight years. Then she went on to fulfil her life long dreams of owning a chocolate cafe and writing a book.

Along the way, she took up ballet, boxing, stand up comedy, public speaking competitions and TV quizzes. She has extensive trustee/board experience. She is now the author of The Amazing Life of Cecilia Chattergee, a book about her great-grandmother, who was a pioneering lawyer in British India. She also hosts a podcast called Amazing Women Invisible Lives, where she interviews amazing women who haven't had the recognition they deserve. She is always on the lookout for new guests!

Bernie is open for:
some brainpicking 🧠 becoming a sparring partner 🤝 grabbing an occasional coffee ☕ becoming an accountability buddy for goals and achievements 🎯 doing regular check-ins ✅ coaching 🏆 support for specific projects and events 🤓 job searching 💼
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build a network for a lifetime.


Check out our FAQ below or drop us a line, we're answering all your questions.

  • Does the mentoring program cost anything?
    Nope - but you do have to be an inner circle member at the female factor. The membership starts at 1 € a day. For more info visit our membership page.
  • Can I apply for more than one mentor?
    Yes, you can apply for up to three mentors. Please note, every mentor requires a personalized motivation letter.
  • I'm having trouble deciding who to apply for, how do you pick a good mentor?
    That all depends on your career goals for the upcoming months- so ask yourself where do you want to be in half a year or year from now. Do you want to expand your company in a certain field? Start your own company? Or side business? Do you want to gain a particular skill set? Or maybe you want to move up within your corporation? Choosing a good mentor FOR YOU depends on a lot of things. But we’ve seen that a good mentor mentee relationship and successful outcomes mainly depends on good chemistry aka. you two get along and that the person can give you relevant advice and know-how that will help to excel in YOUR personal career. So ask yourself: “Will I vibe well with this person?” “How is their career and experience relevant to mine?” “How will it help me get to where I want to be in a certain period of time?” "How could my mentor actually benefit from my knowhow and skillset?"
  • How long is the mentoring program?
    The official mentoring period is for half a year. The current mentoring batch is running until December 2024. The fall batch will have applications open in October, and the batch itself will run from November 22, 2024 through to May 2025. However, some of the mentors will still be happy to support you after that period or even become friends.
  • Can I apply for a mentor who lives in another city?
    Absolutely. We encourage you to apply for mentors in other cities as well, especially if you have a certain goal, eg. expanding or establishing a business there or looking for a job in another country or if you're eager to get to know another culture.
  • How can I become a mentor myself?
    If you feel you would be a good fit, you can reach out to us here.
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